How do I subscribe to my life? The three steps to success

So here we are. We've read the first post and decided that you may be going through the motions in your life. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe you have already been embracing the idea of aligning your life with your dreams and want to join a community of others doing so as well. Made just maybe you are here to see a little more of what I have to say, get a better feel for this blog and what it's all about. Regardless of why you're here; welcome.

During the process of launching this blog I was asked "How!? How do you subscribe to life? How do you get out of a rut or dead-end space." My answer is this. Be honest with yourself about your current situation, understand making changes is going to be difficult and often times uncomfortable. After that you simply make a plan, write it down and go after it. Slow and steady wins the race. Making large leaps in a short period is a recipe for not finishing or burn out. In order to be successful you need to use these three elements.


Let's break them down:

Planning is an essential part of my daily life. I thought I was a planner, I would have two to three working planners. I would grab them from time to time quickly jotting down appointments and notes. I quickly learned I was not and am still not a planner. There is a community of hard core planners out there that I will never live up to. This is a reminder that there is always going to be someone out there that is interested in what you are no matter how left field it may be. I don't know anyone who loves planning but that doesn't mean the community doesn't exist. 
But that is not why we are here so let me get back on topic...

 Planning your success; your evolution. Realigning your life. Yea that's what we are doing... Planning is important because you have to understand where your going in order to map out the best route to get there. I'm sure there are a few people out there who just get in the car and drive but the majority of us set a destination then set the route to get there. Vision boards, lists, charts, diaries, journaling; these are all great avenues for the planning phase of your journey. Get your dreams out of your head! Often times writing it down or saying it out loud is the push you need to get you started. I am in no way recommending you shout it from the rooftop. I believe in holding your dreams close especially in the beginning stages of the evolution and in time sharing it with those you trust and love... In the planning phase you also have to recognize that you have changed, you've GLOWED up. Your dreams may have changed since the last time you thought about them. I remember working with someone who had three totally different careers; policeman, military, and doctor. I was amazed at his journey. But as I began to creep to a crossroads of my own I realized my goals are not what they had always been. See I've always wanted to be in the medical field. Deliver babies to be exact. Well that didn't happen. I don't even have a degree. BUT I did become a paramedic and realize babies are cool but trauma makes my heart skip a beat (in a good way). Fast forward to my fourth year as a paramedic and my last year in the military (I forgot to mention that) and I am no longer in love with medicine and am venturing into business. As I've grown up and gathered experiences my desires have changed. The planning phase is ever changing as we are. Don't forget that.
Plan Revise Plan Revise

After you plan you must prepare. We have a pretty large family; we have a child in elementary, middle and high school as well as a newborn. We recently went on a family vacation and the only way that we were going to be able to get through it successfully was if I planned out the trip. I scoured Groupon for affordable activities to do with our wide range of children. I planned each day and time blocked our entire trip. It went seamlessly. Nothing in life goes seamlessly but preparing for the good, the bad and the unpredictable will help you endure the journey and see it through. If you're like me then you never feel prepared; for anything. There's always one more thing you could have before starting that business, or writing that book. Since we know that why not start. Contradictory right. I want you to prepare but I also want you to just start. Preparing is the tail end of planning. At this point you have an idea of what you would like your life to look like in the next 5 to 10 years and have a general idea of what you need to tweak, add or most times take away from your life to get there. There was a point in my life where all I wanted was happiness. Yes it was that bad. I just wanted to have more good days than bad days and knew I needed to delete multiple things, habits and individuals from my life to achieve it. I prepared my mind for the loss. The hurt, the loneliness, the change. I tried to anticipate what would occur because of the change  and worked on those areas. Your individual goals will dictate what exactly you have to prepare for but for each of us the biggest obstacle is getting out of our own way.

We've planned. We've put some effort into preparing for the journey ahead. Now it is time to start. Fast forward... You start your evolution and it's not received as well as you thought. People are asking you why you've changed, they can't understand why you don't do the things you used to. You've started that blog or youtube but feel discouraged whenever looking at the analytics. You notice the hundreds of friends on social media are not liking or interacting with your content. So now what? You keep going! I've mentioned before that I have a youtube. What I didn't mention is that sometimes I get 10K views and sometimes I get 14. There have been so many times that I wanted to give up, just quit, no one was watching my content anyway. Then I would receive an email or a comment about how my content "changed their life" or was "exactly what they needed to hear" and I remember why I do what I do. I remember my vow to myself. If I could reach one person, just one I would keep going. Even if that one person is ME. There are so many times where I log in and watch my own video. Not to increase the rating but to encourage myself. To see if I still am in alignment and every time I am. What I put out to the world is who I am, who I am becoming and what I believe. If you believe in yourself that is all you need. Many times it takes the masses a little while longer to get on board. Give them time, they'll catch up. But while they are passing your posts or not applauding your weight loss and personality transformation you are remaining diligent with your desired path. Who you are becoming is greater than a like or a comment. Remember that!
