The Dreaded First Date

All lasting relationships begin with an introduction. So let's start there. Hi I'm Renee. Now imagine me fumbling with my hair and avoiding eye contact as if on a first date. Here we are, you and I are feeling one another out and deciding if this relationship will be lasting or the length of time that you choose to stay on this blog...

Who is Renee? Hmmmm would you like the obvious answer? I am a 32.75 year old mother. Nah that won't do. 

Hi, I'm Renee. I have overcome a multitude of stereotypes and doubt. There's been a magnitude from others with self doubt sprinkled on the top. I always begin my story with the moment I became an adult. You have never and will never hear me speak on my childhood. It was fine (if you must know), as a parent I have realized that we are all just trying to do our best and there's no foul in that. So let's get  back to me. I was a teenaged mother. At 17 I thought I was ready and became a mother a few months before I graduated high school. That made life interesting to say the least. Lets keep going...... My three children have 3 different last names. What can I say I've lived and my lessons came equipped with diapers and every 3 hour feedings. I was never a person who was able to hide my mistakes so I learned to embrace them and share my journey with young women who are now where I've been. Rock bottom for me was just that, it may not look like your rock bottom but around my 25th year of life I said I am done starting over and pouring into others (men, them men folk drained me but that's a blog in itself) and pour into myself. That moment was not the moment life changed to this sweet kush lifestyle I have now. That moment on the shower floor of my one bedroom apartment that I shared with my two sons after getting off a job that I hated (daycare worker ughhhh) I decided I wasn't starting over again and that's the day the real work began. 

That was a lot. Are you still here? If you've made it this far you understand that I am a woman whose been through quite a life kinda like you. Fast forward 7ish years. I've been married a few years and just had a baby girl. I have been in my current career for 5 years and I am on the cusp of change. Transition is hard and I'm diving into uncharted territory; entrepreneurship! The biggest lesson that I've learned is that I have to invest in me. That is what bred the idea for this blog as well as the concept behind it.

What exactly is SUBSCRIBE TO LIFE

I have a youtube channel and in every video I ask the viewer to subscribe. On a larger scale every social media enthusiast does the same thing. Bloggers, Vloggers, even stores ask you for your email so that you can subscribe to their content. It is nothing to hit the like or subscribe button and invest a part of ourselves no matter how small to someone else's cause. To see what content they put out and stay involved with them. But are we truly subscribed to our own lives? Are we present? Going through the motions catches up with us all, in the blink of an eye years have gone by and you're still in the same place you vowed you would not be in. Or your going round and round in circles in a deadend relationship. Or still afraid to begin your own youtube or start that business you've have in your head for years. I have a friend who is always on the go. Him and his wife are always wheels up on a trip or venturing out to local adventures with their boys. They are truly subscribed to their lives. They have realized that life is worth living and there are memories to be made. Now you may say eh people show out for social media but that is rarely their reality. Very true. I know way too many people fronting for the gram (a little slang for you). But when wifey has MD behind her name and hubby gave Uncle Sam 20 years I think it's safe to say they aren't.

The other day I posted a meme that encompassed my ideal on life at this moment. It stated " the most reliable way to predict the future is to create it." I come from a family of entrepreneurs. I grew up watching the struggle; the behind the scenes sacrifice that is silently endured by those who choose to create their own. I was a child so my perspective of it was not the best. I had verbalized multiple times that I would NEVER (there goes those dreadful definitive words) have my own business. I wanted to go to work, get paid and that was it. I carried that feeling until I married an entrepreneur. I watch my husband get up every day and work. He took is passion and made it a business and now he gives so much of himself to create an empire. As a woman; a wife my perspective is very different. Is there still sacrifice, absolutely but the rewards are far greater. My husband has never pushed me to want to become an entrepreneur. He supported the fact that I had a youtube channel and we both created in our own right. Everyone's heard of peas in a pod.   The company you keep plays a large part in the evolution of who you become. As I began to look past the struggle and allowed my innate management, marketing, and creating skills rise to the surface I understood that I too had gotten the entrepreneur itch. As I begin setting up shop for my new baby I feel more alive than I have in a very long time. 

This blog is in no way about becoming an entrepreneur. This blog is about grabbing life by the horns and creating a life that is everything YOU want it to be. Discovering your definition of success and going after it. Life is very short. Daily we are told of death and destruction so while we are here lets make a point to create something from whatever we have. Pick up the baggage we've gathered over the years and choose to LIVE. 

The time is now to
Subscribe to your own life. 

subscribe to life youtube post

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